But here is how CCP reacted after i caught them and also my reaction to it (for better reading you can click on the scanned letter):
Here is my reation to it:
Dear Sir or Madam,
regarding the letter from 14.07.2011 I have to admit, CCP is playing the same games with you than they did with me. I also take the liberty to publish this answer (without any personal informations other than my own)
Since Mr. Larusson from LOGOS Legal Services took the liberty to forge informations, or at least process forged informations unchecked, I also take the liberty to forward this message to the English Law society for further steps.
Regarding Point 1.1
Mr. Larusson and CCP only gave partions of Informations. I allready proofed them, with the logs and datas and emails I safed on my own Computer, that Mr. Larusson and CCP only gave away informations of a kind, that may proof that CCP is all good and I am all evil.
Mr. Larusson for example totaly forgot to insert the complete communication between me and the customer support regarding the temporary ban 2010-02-14. I can not see what reason, beside hiding the fact that the picture he is trying to paint is totaly wrong, he had to leave this conversation out because it only is about me.
This conversation was very long and in the end the support of CCP had to admit that they reacted wrong. In the final statement the employee called "SeniorGM Huggin" stated that there was an investigation about that fact and there where several other employees involved. I bet they only communicated and took there notes on little tiny sheets of scrap-paper. Those informations also missing.
During my time at EVE Online as customer of CCP there where several incidents where other player harrased me ... funnily those petitions wherent also stated in the letter and at least there should be a info about what I petitioned and how the support reacted.
For example there where this incident where a player approached me several times with lines according to the Third Reich in the way "gays should be a victim for mercy killing" also he called me several times a "fag". Those petitions and also the statement of the support of CCP that they dont see any violation of the EULA isnt part of the letter from LOGOS Legal Services.
Furthermore Mr. Larusson states in his letter incidents and so-called "violations" that never happend ... so Mr. Larusson and CCP should review there datas because I can proof that at least two facts in the letter from LOGOS Legal services are wrong.
Intersting is also that two facts in this letter from LOGOS where private communications ... so clearly CCP intercepts and stores and reads private communications between players.
Also I took the liberty to publish this letter because the intention behind this letter was obvious ... only revealing informations about my "evilness" and also making up some more "violations" to justify themself. I will not take this anymore and will publish further. Since this publication is open I also only reveal informations about myself every bit and part regarding another person (beside CCP or LOGOS) is hidden.
Here is the proof ... Mr. Larusson forgot this for example COMPLETLY in his letter and again it is only about me so I dont see where this is violating privacy rights of an other person since this other person involved in this statement is this anonymous Mr. Huggin acting as an official of CCP:
2010.02.15 15:50:00 GM Huginn
Hallo brummel1,
Ich habe mir nochmal genau und ausführlich die gesamte Petitionsgeschichte hinter den Vorfällen, Warnungen und temporären Account-Bans durchgesehen, inklusive des Bildmaterials und Ihren Bemerkungen im German Chat Channel. Außerdem habe Ich Ihren Fall mit meinen Kollegen diskutiert und wir sind zu folgendem Schlußsatz gekommen:
Ich kann nur eine der Warnungen gutheißen, in der Sie wegen Hinweis auf folgenden Link, "http://kristoferwestonxxx.com/images/kristofer/09june/mud3.jpg" im German Chat Channel von einem Mitspieler gemeldet wurden. Dieses Bild gab ein allzu feindliches und herabwürdigendes Bild des Mannes als eines bloßen Sex-Objekts wieder.
Andere Warnungen sowie das Spielverbot Ihres Accounts, werden zurückgezogen. Ferner werde Ich Ihnen die verlorene Spielzeit aufgrund des Verbotes entweder auf Ihren Account, Benutzername: lbear oder aber einen beliebigen Ihrer Accounts gutschreiben.
Was die Vorgehensweise meiner Kollegen betrifft, sowie die wiederholten Warnungen, Gags und sonstige von ihnen getroffenen Maßnahmen, so haben wir dies genaustens untersucht und festgestellt, daß sie durchaus tadelnswert ist. Ich möchte Ihnen hiermit versichern, daß die betreffenden Game Masters für ihre übertriebene Reaktion gegen sonstige, Ihrer vermeintlichen "Verstöße" gegen unsere Regeln, die Ihnen von Mitspielern angekreidet wurden, gerügt.
Und, Ich möchte Ihnen außerdem versichern, daß wir insofern wie möglich vermeiden werden, daß sich solche Vorfälle, wie in Ihrem Fall zutage traten, wiederholen werden. Ich bitte Sie vonseiten EVE Online um Entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen hierdurch bereitet wurden. Bitte, schreiben Sie mir bei Gelegenheit eine Antwort hierzu, um auf obiges bzw. die Sache im allgemeinen zu kommentieren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Senior GM Huginn
Der EVE Online Kundendienst
But again since I am now dealing with a punsh of kindergarten bullies for over 8 month now, playing sorehead, I will not take this little game CCP is playing any longer and will publish there reactions as long as it only contains informations about myself
Besides ... this passage "no fruther request from BK will be answered" ... could be the joke of the year, because CCP and LOGOS never answered to any request, they only reacted under the preasure of the DPA and even than incomplete and only in a way that suits them.
Regarding Point 1.2
I remeber my own registration process very well ... at this point the EULA and the TOS wherent available in an other language than english. Besides I couldnt find any passage within the EULA that states CLEARLY that informations where send on a journey around the world.
Also even today never ever at any point at the registering process is ever asked for the permission to transfer the data within or outside the EEA
Finaly I have to say, CCP is playing the DPA in the same way they played me in the past. Only giving in in things they have to and only under preasure and even in this only reacting partly and unwillingly.
Best Regards