Again ... with the yesterdays post I mailed the link to several game magazines and other persons who might be interested in this ... and again I received several mails with the question "Why are you doing this, you are destroying the reputation of CCP"
Well ... as an explanation ... when the ban first occured I was just interested in getting my account back and have some compensation for the time and afford. Over time this changed ... with CCP akting like "We are big bad-asses and you have no say" I thought ... okay ... if you might think so, lets see how bad-ass you are.
And it became like a horrible traffic-accident ... you are disgusted by it but you cant help to watch it ... the same case with CCP, with every step the "explanations" and "reactions" became more desperate and also became more embarrasing for CCP than the step before ... and like the traffic accident ... you cant stop ... you have to see to wich level CCP will destroy there own reputation. Again I only stated the facts ... if CCP embarressed themself its not my problem.
Also I think, since there are several cases like mine I decided that its good to have a view onto CCP apart from the manufactured glorifying comments in the different forums.
oder Metagaming extrem - Endgegner Betreiber. Erfahrungen eines EVE-Online-Spielers oder Online-Spieler haben doch Rechte
Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011
Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011
Complaint Nr 8
For this complaint I took my time to gather and review all informations ... so I hope all readers will excuse the long time it took me to write this:
LOGOS Legal services wrote:
2010.02.05 09:59:00 BK sends the following e-mail in response to being temporarily blocked from EVE Online:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
leider haben Sie es vermieden bezüglich der ungerechtfertigten Leistungsverweigerung [id-nummer] auf mein Angebot einer gütlichen Einigung wenigstens ansatzweise zu reagieren.
Well the letter was much longer but again ... its important to know ... the ban started on the 2010.02.04 and CCP was violating his own EULA by not reacting to any petition on this matter. Funnily again this specific matter seem to be vanished from the server logs.
But I can understand why Mr. Larusson and Mr. Petursson are so upset about this letter ... A customer has the audicity to question a decission? A customer has the impertinence to remind CCP on legal customer rights and rights coming from the EULA? ... THATS OFFENDING!!!
This gives us an interesting view on how CCP is seeing the customer-company-relationship and what CCP is thinking about customers at all.
After several days puting the screws on CCP I finally managed to get a SeniorGM looking into the ban. Again this is something that LOGOS and CCP failed to mention ... if this fact was deleted unintenionally from the server logs it reveals a serious malfunctioning in the serverlogs at all, so the typical Gm-response "our sever logs showed nothing" becomes a totaly new meaning.
TIP: After revealing this serious malfunction in the server logs a player should keep his own log files and several screen shots. Its helping to show the support where the serverlogs again failed to record something.
Well after looking into the case SeniorGM Huggin had to admit that there was no case ... beside one warning everything else was bogus and lifted the ban ... gave me several days of free time and deleted the entries in the player profile (and here again ... suddenly the entries are here again which also reveals a very extreme malfunction in the deletion routine)
Also interesting is that SeniorGM Huggin stated that several behaviours of fellow GM's where unjustified and blameable ... funnily exact the same behavior is going on the in future ... but we will come to that point very soon.
2010.02.15 15:50:00 GM Huginn
Hallo brummel1,
Ich habe mir nochmal genau und ausführlich die gesamte Petitionsgeschichte hinter den Vorfällen, Warnungen und temporären Account-Bans durchgesehen, inklusive des Bildmaterials und Ihren Bemerkungen im German Chat Channel. Außerdem habe Ich Ihren Fall mit meinen Kollegen diskutiert und wir sind zu folgendem Schlußsatz gekommen:
Ich kann nur eine der Warnungen gutheißen, in der Sie wegen Hinweis auf folgenden Link, "" im German Chat Channel von einem Mitspieler gemeldet wurden. Dieses Bild gab ein allzu feindliches und herabwürdigendes Bild des Mannes als eines bloßen Sex-Objekts wieder.
Andere Warnungen sowie das Spielverbot Ihres Accounts, werden zurückgezogen. Ferner werde Ich Ihnen die verlorene Spielzeit aufgrund des Verbotes entweder auf Ihren Account, Benutzername: lbear oder aber einen beliebigen Ihrer Accounts gutschreiben.
Was die Vorgehensweise meiner Kollegen betrifft, sowie die wiederholten Warnungen, Gags und sonstige von ihnen getroffenen Maßnahmen, so haben wir dies genaustens untersucht und festgestellt, daß sie durchaus tadelnswert ist. Ich möchte Ihnen hiermit versichern, daß die betreffenden Game Masters für ihre übertriebene Reaktion gegen sonstige, Ihrer vermeintlichen "Verstöße" gegen unsere Regeln, die Ihnen von Mitspielern angekreidet wurden, gerügt.
Und, Ich möchte Ihnen außerdem versichern, daß wir insofern wie möglich vermeiden werden, daß sich solche Vorfälle, wie in Ihrem Fall zutage traten, wiederholen werden. Ich bitte Sie vonseiten EVE Online um Entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen hierdurch bereitet wurden. Bitte, schreiben Sie mir bei Gelegenheit eine Antwort hierzu, um auf obiges bzw. die Sache im allgemeinen zu kommentieren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Senior GM Huginn
Der EVE Online Kundendienst
LOGOS Legal services wrote:
2010.02.05 09:59:00 BK sends the following e-mail in response to being temporarily blocked from EVE Online:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
leider haben Sie es vermieden bezüglich der ungerechtfertigten Leistungsverweigerung [id-nummer] auf mein Angebot einer gütlichen Einigung wenigstens ansatzweise zu reagieren.
Well the letter was much longer but again ... its important to know ... the ban started on the 2010.02.04 and CCP was violating his own EULA by not reacting to any petition on this matter. Funnily again this specific matter seem to be vanished from the server logs.
But I can understand why Mr. Larusson and Mr. Petursson are so upset about this letter ... A customer has the audicity to question a decission? A customer has the impertinence to remind CCP on legal customer rights and rights coming from the EULA? ... THATS OFFENDING!!!
This gives us an interesting view on how CCP is seeing the customer-company-relationship and what CCP is thinking about customers at all.
After several days puting the screws on CCP I finally managed to get a SeniorGM looking into the ban. Again this is something that LOGOS and CCP failed to mention ... if this fact was deleted unintenionally from the server logs it reveals a serious malfunctioning in the serverlogs at all, so the typical Gm-response "our sever logs showed nothing" becomes a totaly new meaning.
TIP: After revealing this serious malfunction in the server logs a player should keep his own log files and several screen shots. Its helping to show the support where the serverlogs again failed to record something.
Well after looking into the case SeniorGM Huggin had to admit that there was no case ... beside one warning everything else was bogus and lifted the ban ... gave me several days of free time and deleted the entries in the player profile (and here again ... suddenly the entries are here again which also reveals a very extreme malfunction in the deletion routine)
Also interesting is that SeniorGM Huggin stated that several behaviours of fellow GM's where unjustified and blameable ... funnily exact the same behavior is going on the in future ... but we will come to that point very soon.
2010.02.15 15:50:00 GM Huginn
Hallo brummel1,
Ich habe mir nochmal genau und ausführlich die gesamte Petitionsgeschichte hinter den Vorfällen, Warnungen und temporären Account-Bans durchgesehen, inklusive des Bildmaterials und Ihren Bemerkungen im German Chat Channel. Außerdem habe Ich Ihren Fall mit meinen Kollegen diskutiert und wir sind zu folgendem Schlußsatz gekommen:
Ich kann nur eine der Warnungen gutheißen, in der Sie wegen Hinweis auf folgenden Link, "" im German Chat Channel von einem Mitspieler gemeldet wurden. Dieses Bild gab ein allzu feindliches und herabwürdigendes Bild des Mannes als eines bloßen Sex-Objekts wieder.
Andere Warnungen sowie das Spielverbot Ihres Accounts, werden zurückgezogen. Ferner werde Ich Ihnen die verlorene Spielzeit aufgrund des Verbotes entweder auf Ihren Account, Benutzername: lbear oder aber einen beliebigen Ihrer Accounts gutschreiben.
Was die Vorgehensweise meiner Kollegen betrifft, sowie die wiederholten Warnungen, Gags und sonstige von ihnen getroffenen Maßnahmen, so haben wir dies genaustens untersucht und festgestellt, daß sie durchaus tadelnswert ist. Ich möchte Ihnen hiermit versichern, daß die betreffenden Game Masters für ihre übertriebene Reaktion gegen sonstige, Ihrer vermeintlichen "Verstöße" gegen unsere Regeln, die Ihnen von Mitspielern angekreidet wurden, gerügt.
Und, Ich möchte Ihnen außerdem versichern, daß wir insofern wie möglich vermeiden werden, daß sich solche Vorfälle, wie in Ihrem Fall zutage traten, wiederholen werden. Ich bitte Sie vonseiten EVE Online um Entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen hierdurch bereitet wurden. Bitte, schreiben Sie mir bei Gelegenheit eine Antwort hierzu, um auf obiges bzw. die Sache im allgemeinen zu kommentieren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Senior GM Huginn
Der EVE Online Kundendienst
Montag, 11. Juli 2011
Since I forward every new post to game magazines I received a question from them, why am I doing this ... I think the answer is also enlightening for the rest of my readers:
Dear Sir or Madam,
one of your colleges asked me in a personal message, why am I doing this? Is my intention to ruin CCP?
well if I want to ruin CCP, I could do this much faster than publishing this stuff for over 7 month. I would go to an prosecutor in Germany or Iceland and CCP would have more trouble than I can ever give them BECAUSE (and thats my intention with this) Customers have rights, but since CCP is playing bully from the beginning I had no choice but going public with this and involve official authorities.
Not matter how hard CCP is trying to deny that and no matter how much CCP is "owning" EVE ... A paying Customer has rights ... along the way several official authorities allready proof me right with this. For example this letter I am right now discussing where written under the preasure of the icelandic data protection agency (and still CCP is trying to outrun this by only partly give away informations and forgeing informations)
CCP is claiming that they are owner of every bit of data in their server but this isnt true and this statement at all is illegal, because according to icelandic law and according to international contracts nobody can get ownership on personal datas. Personal datas allways remain in the ownership of the person itself no matter how hard they are trying to outrun this with EULA and TOS paragraphs. In this point for example allready set the icelandic data protection agency clear that CCP is violating icelandic law.
Let me give you an example ... if there would be a paragraph in the EULA that states that CCP has the right to format and destroy your harddrive whenever they want ... well no matter how often you aproof this paragraph it would still be illegal. Well the EULA consists of many illegal paragraphs and since there is no salvatorious clause the EULA at all is void (as a side-remark).
My intention at all is to show other players ... specially players which had or have problems themself ... to show that for example the EULA and TOS is illegal and void. I want to show them that no matter how hard CCP is trying to threat them, that there are ways to get there case going. I also want to show that some employees of CCP never understood in the past and will never understand in the future that customers are persons with rights and not beggars. (This case where allready VERY obvious within the Incarna distaster and the way CCP Hilmar and CCP Zulu at first "addressed" the community)
Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011
Commplaint Nr 7
The letter from CCP lawyers says
2010.02.04 BK posts, inter alia, the follwoing comment:
[2010.01.24 00:25:37] brummel1> /emote findet er sollte diese nette atmosphäre fördern und alle zum kuscheln animieren:
What mentioned before in the letter ... this comment was totaly inappropriate and offending ... and it was made at this day and lead to a petition
Funny thing because as we see from the time stamp that this comment was made 12 days before that ... 1) a petition because offense laying there for 12 days and no Gamemaster noticed it? 2) This comment was made at this day (so Mr Larusson says) but the timestamp is from 12 days in the past ... the hell is the Server clock out of line 3)This is the translation of the post:
Also here the picture ... but beware its so offending and inappropriate I even cant stand it myself ^^
2010.02.04 BK posts, inter alia, the follwoing comment:
[2010.01.24 00:25:37] brummel1> /emote findet er sollte diese nette atmosphäre fördern und alle zum kuscheln animieren:
What mentioned before in the letter ... this comment was totaly inappropriate and offending ... and it was made at this day and lead to a petition
Funny thing because as we see from the time stamp that this comment was made 12 days before that ... 1) a petition because offense laying there for 12 days and no Gamemaster noticed it? 2) This comment was made at this day (so Mr Larusson says) but the timestamp is from 12 days in the past ... the hell is the Server clock out of line 3)This is the translation of the post:
brummel1 thinks he should promote this friendly enviroment and should animate everyone to huggI looked up the chat-log at this specific day ... there where a very tense and angry discussion going on. So trying to get the tense and anger out of the chat is inappropriate and offending and totaly evil ... I get it.
Also here the picture ... but beware its so offending and inappropriate I even cant stand it myself ^^
From facts to fiction
Well you may noticed that the post didnt come as fast as before ... thats because now the letter I received from LOGOS and CCP are getting in the desperate need to justify themself from facts to fiction and its some work to sort that out
But be asure the CCP-Horror-Picture-Show will continue ... specially there is some nice material proofing that the "holly" Server-Logs are totally bogus and that CCP intercepts private conversations.
But be asure the CCP-Horror-Picture-Show will continue ... specially there is some nice material proofing that the "holly" Server-Logs are totally bogus and that CCP intercepts private conversations.
Complaint Nr 6
Now this is a good one ...
Mr Larusson from LOGOS Legal services wrote
2010.02.04 Several report received from players complaining that BK continually engaged in inappropriate material as well as initiating inappropriate discussions.
BK posts the following links:
Well and there a list of links followed ... where Mr. Larusson made his (so far) biggest mistake ... at least on of those links, the tom of finland pic I never used twice, so how could it be that those links showed up? ... could it be that CCP and Mr. Larusson in the desperate need of justifying themself make stuff up?
Also there where written:
2010.02.04 Warning sent to BK due to him having an offensive biography. Often the same pictures linked to his ingame biography.
Well thats so far the best sentence ever ... a biography has to be changed constantly otherwise you "often use the same material in the biography" ^^
Also thats the next lie ... and yes its a lie ... because this warning wasnt send on the 4th ... this warning was never send to me
Well at least I think I will inform the law society of England about the very unorthodox work discipline of Mr. Larusson.
Well now we can discuss ... is it slouchiness from Mr. Larusson? Are the "holly" Server-logs not as acurate as CCP always wants to make us believe? Or is the desperation getting so tense that they try to make up stuff?
Also funny side-aspect ... out of the sudden several petitions? In EVE? roll on the floor laughing my ass off.
Mr Larusson from LOGOS Legal services wrote
2010.02.04 Several report received from players complaining that BK continually engaged in inappropriate material as well as initiating inappropriate discussions.
BK posts the following links:
Well and there a list of links followed ... where Mr. Larusson made his (so far) biggest mistake ... at least on of those links, the tom of finland pic I never used twice, so how could it be that those links showed up? ... could it be that CCP and Mr. Larusson in the desperate need of justifying themself make stuff up?
Also there where written:
2010.02.04 Warning sent to BK due to him having an offensive biography. Often the same pictures linked to his ingame biography.
Well thats so far the best sentence ever ... a biography has to be changed constantly otherwise you "often use the same material in the biography" ^^
Also thats the next lie ... and yes its a lie ... because this warning wasnt send on the 4th ... this warning was never send to me
Well at least I think I will inform the law society of England about the very unorthodox work discipline of Mr. Larusson.
Well now we can discuss ... is it slouchiness from Mr. Larusson? Are the "holly" Server-logs not as acurate as CCP always wants to make us believe? Or is the desperation getting so tense that they try to make up stuff?
Also funny side-aspect ... out of the sudden several petitions? In EVE? roll on the floor laughing my ass off.
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